Piper's Heath Men's League
Our Men’s 9 Hole League takes place on most Wednesday afternoons/evenings throughout the season.
Our Men’s 9 Hole League takes place on most Wednesday afternoons/evenings throughout the season.
*2024 Registration is currently only open to 2023 players. Any new registrants will be refunded, and will not be added to the 2024 league roster.

Men's League Registration:
$349 Registration Fee (Plus HST)

Registration Includes:
- League Green Fee for Opening Day Event on May 15, and dinner (i.e. your first league round will be paid for)
- $100 gift card for Piper’s Pub
- 10 Free Large Buckets for use anytime at the public driving range
- 10% Off for Member and up to 3 Guests Anytime Monday – Thursday; or Friday/Saturday/Sunday after 12pm (not valid on holidays)
- Online Scoring, Stat Tracking, Leaderboards, Handicap Tracking with Golf Genius
- Weekly prizes & On-Course Sampling

Men's League Details:
Weekly League Rate:
- 9 hole League Rate $70.00 including range warm-up basket, shared power cart, weekly prize entry fee, and taxes. Rate is valid/available only to League Members, and only during League times (walking rate: $55.00)
- Optional 18 hole Rate: $110.00 including range warm-up basket, shared power cart, weekly prize entry fee, and taxes. Rate is valid/available only to League Members, and only during League times. Note: Only the first 9 holes are counted toward League scoring (walking rate: $90.00)
Tee Times:
- Tee times can be booked up to 14 days in advance. Registration opens every Tuesday evening at 7:00pm.
- Piper’s Heath will pair you up with another League single, twosome, threesome, etc. as necessary.
- Tee times are to be booked on the Golf Genius Portal.
Steps are below:
- Go to our league portal: phgc-pipersheathmensleague2024.golfgenius.com
- Click Open Tee Times.
- Type and select your name. Click next.
- Select Next Round.
- Select from available tee times. Once you click the cell it will block 4 spots for you.
- Once time is selected, click “register another golfer“, click same spot to type name. (do this for all remaining players in group).
- When finished, scroll to the bottom and hit “Done“
Food & Beverage:
- On-course food and beverage promotions will be available throughout the season.
- Chef Scott Riess will prepare weekly specials offered in the pub/patio following completion of league play. Details will be provided in the pre-round email communications.
- Check the calendar on your men’s league portal for the dates of all special events. You do not want to miss these days!
2024 Men's League Schedule:
*Dates highlighted orange indicate a shotgun start.
Wednesday May 15th
Opening Shotgun around 5pm
Wednesday May 22nd
Open Tees 2pm - 6pm
Thursday May 30th
Open Tees 2pm - 6pm
Tuesday June 4th
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday June 19th
Shotgun around 5:30pm
Thursday June 27th
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday July 3rd
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday July 10th
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday July 17th
Shotgun around 5:30pm. Bring A Guest.
Wednesday July 24th
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Thursday August 1st
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday August 7th
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday August 14th
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday August 21st
Open Tees 2:30pm - 6:30pm
Wednesday August 28th
Shotgun around 5:30pm. Bring A Guest.
Wednesday September 4th
Open Tees 2pm - 6pm
Thursday September 12th
Shotgun around 5:30pm
Wednesday October 2nd
Open Tees 1pm - 5pm
Wednesday October 9th
Finale Shotgun around 3pm
Men's League Registration Fee
Preferred Rate During the 2024 Golf Season
Online Scoring, Stats, Leaderboards & Handicap Tracking with Golf Genius App
Opening Day Dinner
Weekly prizing including: deuce pot, closest to the pins, longest putt, etc.
10 Free Large Buckets for use anytime at the public driving range
and much more…
Register Now
Contact Colin colin@pipersheath.com for questions and more info.
Contact Colin colin@pipersheath.com for questions and more info.